Imagination and Desire in a Northern Landscape: An Artistic Plea for the Arctic

By María Alejandra Trujillo, BNN Breaking
February 13, 2024

A haunting digital exhibit, Imagination and Desire in a Northern Landscape, by Janet Biggs, draws attention to the fragile Arctic ecosystem and the devastating consequences of human-induced climate change. The exhibition, which opened on February 13, 2024, features three thought-provoking videos that showcase the vulnerability of the Arctic and its inhabitants, particularly the polar bears.


A Fragile Ecosystem on the Brink
The Arctic is a region of breathtaking beauty and home to unique species, such as the polar bear, which are now struggling to survive due to the rapid warming of their icy habitats.


According to recent studies, the Arctic is warming three times faster than the global average, causing sea ice to melt at an alarming rate. This loss of sea ice not only threatens the survival of polar bears but also has far-reaching implications for the entire planet.

Polar bears rely heavily on sea ice as a platform for hunting, mating, and traveling. As the ice disappears, these majestic creatures are forced to adapt to new conditions, putting them at risk of maladaptation. Genetic forecasting predicts that polar bears could face a high risk of extinction due to their inability to adapt to the warming temperatures and sea ice loss.