This Fall, London Is Awash in Sculpture

Susanne Fowler, The New York Times, October 9, 2022

The written word is a thread that runs through many of the pieces in this year’s selection. The bold red and blue of “Imperial LOVE” by Robert Indiana stands out against the parkland, while visitors may not realize at first that “10 signs for a park” is a work by the British artists Paul Harrison and John Wood. Their signs say things like “Some thing to look at” or “Arrow,” with one drawn underneath, or “Sorry for any inconvenience caused,” but written upside down.


“Their work is wry, gently subversive and affable — perhaps all are British qualities,” Ms. Lilley said. “Paul and John are pushing sculpture to its limit while questioning the rules that other people decide are necessary to regulate our behavior, as well as the incredible abundance of signs that inhabit our world — forms of direction or control that can be really irritating — but their response is both rebellious and amusing.”