A Fair Where the Art Shines (Grandstanding Not Required)

Martha Schwendener, The New York Times, November 3, 2022

New York is a painting town: home to the historical New York School of painting in the mid-20th-century and apartments that don't accommodate sprawling installations. But the medium takes on many forms.


More recent paintings are on view in other booths. Joanna Pousette-Dart offers elegantly shaped canvases with bold, flourishing marks at Philadelphia's Locks Gallery (Booth C8), while Joe Fig at Cristin Tierney (Booth D14) offers jewel-like portraits of people looking at contemporary art in museums. Marcus Jahmal's brand-new paintings at Anton Kern (Booth D12) are like sly updates of Philip Guston, providing a similar, sly social commentary and Ross Bleckner's new canvases at Petzel (Booth A6), with ageless flowers hovering against stark black backgrounds, suggest a suspension of time in painting.