Janet Biggs in Hidden Within

The Cube at The Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

CCI and ICAT are pleased to present Hidden Within, an immersive installation by artist Janet Biggs, Virginia Tech mathematic professors Agnieszka Międlar and Paul Cazeaux, high energy nuclear physicist, Daniel Tapia Takaki, and immersive audio engineer for Virginia Tech's Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT), Tanner Upthegrove, with MFA candidate and artist Sarah Hammer. The installation features dancer Davian Robinson and Virginia Tech’s elite Gregory Guard.


Inspired by NextG Wireless Security, this research-based project led to the production of a video and spatial sound installation exploring aspects of quantum communication and steganography by experimenting with ways sensitive data can be encrypted and sent via light sources, like fiber-optic cables, and in our case video projections and sound.


The overt line of inquiry is exploring how information can be hidden, detected, and extracted. The subtext is introspection, and the various ways hidden information functions: from giving voice to individuals and ideas silenced by oppressive regimes to the spread of conspiracy theories, from cyber technologies’ impact on the natural world to its infiltration into human consciousness. This project will part the curtain, revealing the science and the subjective viewpoints behind detection and extraction.

April 22, 2024